How the Origin of Blame And Separation Is Linked To Science

A brief history of victim consciousness

Anthony V. Lombardo
4 min readJul 19, 2021


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Why do most people live their life unconscious?

Why do many of us still operate under the belief that our lives are predetermined and that we have little to no influence on our reality?

Why do we believe that life is always “doing” something to us?

Why is it so natural for us to blame things outside of us?

This is victim consciousness and unfortunately, it’s the level of consciousness the majority of humanity is playing at.

But where did this come from?

How did this become the status quo of consciousness for humanity?

What is victim consciousness driven by?

Victim consciousness takes root and was birthed out of one simple but long-held belief:

That our external world that we can experience and witness with our five senses is separate from our inner mental world of thought.

Keep in mind the word separate.

But how did this belief originate and who’s bright idea was it?

Who can we blame? (pun intended)



Anthony V. Lombardo

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation guide, explorer of consciousness, and digital consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: