Do Some People Actually Want To Be Miserable?

They want something deeper and you should help them get it.

Anthony V. Lombardo
5 min readAug 26, 2022


photo Tom K via LinkedIn

“Do some people actually want to be miserable?”

It’s a fascinating question because we all have come across people we would lump in this category.

Do you see that funny guy wearing the Sponge Bob shirt in the photo above? He posed this question on LinkedIn a while back.

This was in reference to a poll he ran on Twitter asking people whether they wanted to be:

  • A great but miserable writer, or a
  • Average but happy writer

The results?

Many of the respondents chose option 1, saying they would take being great but miserable.

It floored Sponge Bob guy that even one person would choose misery to be great at something.

  • “Yes, people love playing the victim card.”
  • “Those people have a worldview that life is suffering.”
  • “Big egos often prevent people from admitting they have issues.”

It’s easy to chalk up people’s negative disposition and general unhappiness as simply “wanting to be miserable,” but I have a different take.



Anthony V. Lombardo

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation guide, explorer of consciousness, and digital consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: